Phone headsets are critical components to call center, sales and support staff, yet often these inexpensive devices are ignored by businesses large and small.

Phone headsets are critical components to call center, sales and support staff, yet often these inexpensive devices are ignored by businesses large and small.
Replacing headsets with newer models is an inexpensive way to boost employee happiness. It is not only frustrating, but inefficient for customer service staff to struggle with outdated and uncomfortable headsets. Even more important to sales and executive teams, old headsets drop calls more frequently and make it difficult to hear conversations.
Invest in decent noise cancellation for several reasons. Sales staff can take a call in the office and walk to a car to continue the conversation with no interruption. If more of your workforce is mobile, remote, telecommutes or works from home, headsets provide reliable call quality whether in the office or at a coffee-shop. Noise cancellation can be useful in the office as well, especially if your office has a modern, open-concept layout. Headsets with noise cancellation can help employees focus and reduce water cooler distractions.
As a partner with major phone brands, c2mtech has an abundant selection of headset inventory throughout the year. All headsets are new model, comfortable, ergonomically designed and have HD microphones. A few of the most popular brands and models c2mtech offers include:
Perfect for the home office, corporate campus or large scale call center, c2mtech offers phone headsets with three superior advantages over buying them online:
For more than 40 years, c2mtech has supplied offices in Texas with phone systems, accessories and components. We offer comprehensive installation and support including telecom infrastructure, connectivity hardware and software. There’s a reason businesses trust our expertise year after year, we make technology easy!